Requirements & Installation
- a PayPal business account
- Pro Version
Connecting your PayPal account
To create a Paypal App, go and visit:
You need to be logged in to your PayPal account to be able to access their developer page. So first, login to your PayPal account and then follow the link above to get to their developer page. This should look similar to the one shown in the image below:

When you click on “Create a App”, A new window will pop up (see image below). Enter a App name and Sandbox developer account. Now Click on Create App.

By clicking on Create App, it will redirect you to the settings page for your new PayPal App. page will look like as mentioned in the image below:

keep the image below as checked.

Now, Copy the Client ID and Client Secret in to the Paypal App settings within the Plugin settings page (See image below).

Setup field total in a contact form