The If, else if statement with calculations

Requirements & Installation

  • Pro Version

More IF general examples explained in simple words:

if(test, true result, false result)


if([number-a] < 5, [number-a]*2, [number-a] * 3)

In words: If the value of input name-a is smaller than 5 then multiply this value by 2, otherwise multiply this value by 3.

  • Type the code in the fomula: if(
  • Type the condition with comma: [number-a]<5,
  • Type what you want to show if condition is fulfilled: [number-a]*2
  • Type a comma: ,
  • Type what you want to show if the condition is not fulfilled: [number-a]*3
  • Then close the bracket

More ElSE IF general examples explained in simple words:

Nesting IFs to handle more conditions

if(test, true result, if(test, true result, false result) )


if([number-a] < 5, [number-a] * 2, if( [number-a] < 10, [number-a] * 3 ,if( [number-a] < 15, [number-a] * 5 , [number-a] * 5) ) )